Letter in Alexandria: Don’t Erase History – Leave Street Names Alone

Letter in Alexandria: Don’t Erase History – Leave Street Names Alone

To the Editor:

I am writing to comment on Mayor Wilson's misguided plan to change the names of many streets here in my hometown. I am firmly opposed to changing the names of any streets. This is erasing our history. This is political correctness run amok. We don't need to waste time, energy, and money changing street names. That would cause too much confusion, inconvenience and resentment. The vast majority of the population don’t know who these streets are named after and they don't care. What offends people is why only Confederate names? What about streets named after British royalty like King, Queen, Royal, Prince, Duke, etc.. Didn't we fight the Revolutionary War to break away from the British crown? This is all nonsense. Please leave our historic street names alone!

Greg Paspatis
