Alexandria Letter: Rational Spending

Alexandria Letter: Rational Spending

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I want to thank Mayor Allison Silberberg for her April 21 reflection [“Decision Time on City Budget Deliberations”] on the city's upcoming budget decisions. She continues to live up to her reputation as "A Voice of Reason" as her campaign claimed. I am not intimately involved in all aspects of city governance and decision making. But I have had the opportunity to witness one such process in the planning for a new recreation center in conjunction with the rebuilding of Patrick Henry Elementary. To this day, despite a decision to build a neighborhood (v. community) center, city staff continues to advocate for enhancements beyond its mission, enhancements to the tune of several million dollars that have been consistently opposed by the immediate neighborhood it is supposed to serve. As a taxpayer, I ask, "Are we justified in raising taxes for this? For what other nice but not needed projects will we need to raise tax revenue?"

I am a lifelong Democrat. For the most part, the Party represents my personal ideals for social action and social justice. I have bristled at the label of "tax and spend" often leveled against my Party. I don't mind paying taxes, or even increases in taxes, for what is genuinely needed by our community and its residents. Mayor Silberberg's position is the antithesis of "tax and spend." It is a reasoned approach, acknowledging priorities, including our debt and major infrastructure repair needs. I hope the Patrick Henry process is not reflective of other processes across the city. If it is, then I fear that those who might accuse us of being "tax and spend" might find justification.

Tom Suydam
