Letter: Poor Site for Recycling Plant

Letter: Poor Site for Recycling Plant

To the Editor:

Your article headlined, "Sound Argument," shows the sound reasons this junkyard must be rejected by the City Council. This dispute is not about recycling. All of us opponents recycle. Alexandria has a reputation as a green city. This is about a noxious, diesel-power crushing machine that would smash junked cars, junked refrigerators or junked ovens. The junkyard would be located next to the Alexandria Police Department, a multi-million dollar architectural jewel. Do we really want a junkyard next to a police station we taxpayers spent so much money building? The site also houses a historic mill built as early as 1776. Why aren't we thinking of preserving or restoring this historic site? Wheeler Avenue is no longer an industrial wasteland. It is home to office buildings, an Islamic charity, a day-center for poor children and residents of every race and income.

James Morrison, Alexandria