What’s Best For Students?

What’s Best For Students?

To the Editor:

Political capital is usually earned in advance and then spent to pursue an elected official’s policy agenda. However, in the case of our newly elected school board (and unusually silent superintendent) … they want their capital cake awarded upfront and through no effort. How is this being done … by making a loud shout out for stadium lights at T.C. Williams High School. The fact that the educational performance has not yet proven their abilities and skills seems quite immaterial. Clear benefits for students are missing from the media campaign.

In reflecting on the dialogue between neighbors, school board, superintendent, and city what is striking is the nearly complete absence of an articulate and convincing argument from the superintendent and board as to how a lighted stadium will benefit all students will benefit in their pursuit of a long, active, and healthy life. Especially when the school training for this comes as a result of longer hours on a playing field dedicated almost exclusively to spectator sports … where sitting down is how you exercise.

Mrs. Obama has made it her mission to challenge the root causes of obesity. Her signature initiative is named “Move.” Life-long exercise habits formed in school are the start, and high school is one of the last stops before guided programs teaching good exercise habits can touch everyone. Which leads me to wonder: how many students are on a football team? How many students are on a track team? How many students on a tennis team? How many students need to find a sport they can easily participate in by moving throughout their life? All of them.

How can T.C. Williams’ sports and exercise training support “Move” for less cost, more impact, and better neighborly relations than a lighted field? Yoga – free weights – jogging – walking – cycling – wrestling – par course – calisthenics – isometrics – dancing - even meditation. These can be integrated into one’s life, and classes in how to do that, and sustain the effort, can be life changing – literally. There is no political cost or community bad feelings; in fact there is a lot to gain for everyone.

So, we hope the newly elected board members and superintendent of Alexandria’s schools can shift their team to score big to provide all T.C. Williams students the kind of training and assistance they need to help them enjoy daily exercise throughout their lives. Let’s shine the light on life-long student benefits, not votes.