Dee Johnson, Director of Client Services at ALIVE! House in Alexandria.
Julie Duszak, holding “the best cup of hot chocolate,” and Dave Wacht share a big apple donut caramel sundae from Goodies Frozen Custard and Treats at the in-person holiday home goods collection event for Alexandrians in need. Goodies sponsored the holiday collection event which was held in Alexandria’s iconic Mutual Ice House Building where they create and serve their Wisconsin-style frozen custard.
Vivian Barnett says she doesn’t know how to skate yet but she has a lot of sidewalks around her condo development. Santa had arrived early on Saturday but says he didn’t bring Rudolph because he didn’t want to wear him out before Christmas. Santa sits in front of a wall of boxes loaded with contributions from the community ranging from Listerine and Shout to maxi pads and dish towels. To learn more about the wish lists see https://www.alive-inc.org. ALIVE! is the oldest and largest private safety net in Alexandria dedicated to fighting poverty and hunger.