Alexandria Gazette Packet

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Fighting Fires for 250 Years

Events to highlight history of firefighting.

Events to highlight history of firefighting.

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The Legacy of Race-based Covenants

3 practices that created housing inequity: racial covenants; zoning; and limited access to mortgages based on race.

Some real estate developers and others selling property in Northern Virginia from 1900 through the 1960s used race-based, restrictive covenants to maintain segregation, and Virginia’s state and local governments were enablers at times, Dr. Krystyn Moon, University of Mary Washington history professor told a packed room of 120 on August 27 at the Sherwood Regional Library.

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Alexandria Old Town Art Festival

The Alexandria Old Town Art Festival returns to John Carlyle Square for the 22nd year. The popular, free showcase featuring thousands of fine art works from local and national artists happens Sept. 14 - 15 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.

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Charles Wilson

Retired USAF officer continues to make a difference.

Living Legends of Alexandria

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Meet the 2024 Legends

Reception set for Nov.7 at GW Masonic National Memorial.

The newest Living Legends of Alexandria will be honored at the annual Meet the Legends reception Nov. 7 at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial.