Stories 3 results of 51

Discussing School Shootings and Other Violence with Children
Open dialogue is key to quelling fear, say mental health professionals.

Teaching Healing Through Altruism
Marymount students learn counseling technique by helping U.S. troops.
A group of counseling students got to experience a therapeutic technique while also helping service men and women serving in Afghanistan. Graduate students in the Pastoral Counseling program at Marymount University in Arlington assembled care packages for U.S. troops as part of a community service requirement. One of the project’s goals was to teach the future therapists how altruism can have long-term mental health benefits.

Making the Grade
Local school officials offer strategies for strengthening study habits.
When Jackie Jackson’s son brought home his report card recently, the Centreville mother of three was shocked. "His grades had fallen to an unacceptable level," said Jackson
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